
Sex confusion

I found that it was getting easier to see the kiss from lesbians. I just saw one a moment ago on the MRT platform.


Recent status

Useless, nonsense, bored... etc.
That was what I looked like recently.
It seemed like I lost the goal. I had became a guy without soul. I cared about nothing. I had no interest, even playing games could not rouse my interest.
The day is coming,  and I found that I was getting tired about learning.
How could I find any passion which is the spirit of life? What is my interest which could be used to separate the work from life?
Hope the day of realization is not far away.


New hires

The story began when a newcomer joined my team.

"We are going to have some new hires joining our team.", said Albert, "of course, some training courses should be prepared."

The trailing word seems to be a hint to Keven. Seeing he projected the web page on the screen, a table with some course names and week numbers are shown."As you see, the table here shows the courses designed by Gary.", said Keven, "I've arranged the courses to fit the schedule. Any suggestions are welcomed."

"Or we could have new hires to write some tools we need.", continued Tommy.

Same words ringed in my mind arousing the old memory."... write some utilities, such as rich video testbed, or changelog parser...", said Gary. I could not stand anymore. I made sound to attract the attention from others."In my opinion, the training courses should focus on learning the skills they really need in the future. New hires should not ..."

"... should not waste their precious time on helping us develop what we want now.", the sudden exclaim seems to shock everyone and I continued, "Instead, they should learn the primitive, the fundamental skills which will decide what they will become in the following years.", I paused for a second, choosing the right words, and from their eyed I knew they are waiting for my answer. "Design pattern is one of the samples.", these few words seemed to make a perfect echoes.

A prologue is like a seed planted, and the chapters followed moistened it. I had spent few days on pondering what courses should be given so they could have enough skills to the tasks in the future.

The conjured idea was materialized as some documents, and a topic was given to the series - Googo.



ya.. as title.. 沒想到時間過得這麼快,國防役的役期已進入尾聲。有人說人在死前會看到一生的回憶,如幻燈片般的閃過。而我相信,在到人生的一個轉略點的時候,多少會回頭看自己走過的路,有沒有給自己一些的啟示。

這一路走來感慨很多,每每想起都讓我有 Kratos 的情緒,有種內心要爆炸的憤怒一般。
想想四年多前,有次 Legler 跑到我實驗室,拿了一張訊連的傳單給我,因為他剛剛去聽訊連的說明會,於是我就想投投履歷看看,那個時候的我,對工作沒有太多的要求,覺得工作就是一個可以領到薪水度日子的地方。我不掌握命運,而讓命運掌握我。當初面試我的主管是 Albert,在面試的時候我只記得都在打哈哈,只覺得這個主管還真是有趣,一點都沒有架子。而進公司的之後是被分配在 PCM product 部門,自然而然就忘了這號人物。


在 CyberLink 的下一站從本來的 PCM team 轉移到了 TV team。還記得那個時候 Bruce Lee 很憂心匆匆的跟我說: "我很擔心你們,這樣調過去後的發展會受限"。那個時候的我不是很認同,就算他說的是事實,也不是我首要考慮的東西,因為我那時的想法是:只要到了 TV team 就可以學比較扎實的技術。所以我很欣然的接受這些決定,面對這個事實。

來到 TV team 之後,我就像是吵著要糖的小孩,一直想進去 CLRec4 的世界裡參一腳,還記得那個時候做的是 Canal+ 的 project,也很榮幸的在 CLRec4 裡頭實做一個小 feature,而那個時候 code review 我的就是 Bruce Sun 。在他的嚴峻拷打下,讓我體會到 TV team 跟 PCM team 對撰寫程式所持有的態度最大不同的地方。這點對我之後影響很大,讓我在寫 code 的時候都像在寫作文一樣,隨時注意文意是否通順。

過了一陣子,被 Leon 告知要出差去法國,第一次出差的我很緊張,前輩總是告知說不用怕,沒什麼。而到了戴高樂之後,在入境的時候跟一群看起來像是菲律賓人一起被留在海關室裡,但是過了不久那群人就被放出去了,徒留我一個人跟一群法國機場維安人員一起,好險最後靠著 CyberLink PowerDVD 這個名號讓我免於被遣返。但出國前發生了一件改變我想法的事情,那時為了要出差,就去 QA 那邊借筆電,當時 QA 的頭頭是大寶,所有借物最後的簽核都要經過他那關,他那時得知我要去法國出差,就問了我一句: 我冒味的問一句話,做 UI 的去那邊幹嘛。

一顆反 UI 的炸彈老早深埋在心中,但在他說出口的時候,一把無情的火點燃了引線,一顆昏厥已久的心被炸得支離破碎,破壞後的新生讓我開始思考新的方向。我開始思考怎樣讓自己跟別人有差異化,怎樣讓自己不一樣,在市場裡,同樣類型的商品當量變多的時候,他們的宿命就是價值變低。

在知道自己繼續走下去只會讓自己越陷越深之後,我開始接觸工作外的事物,廣度方面,觀察產業的變化,時代巨人的脈動,專業度方面,研究 windows internal,COM 的架構,Design Pattern,Effective C++。這一切的一切只為了讓我擺脫UI的羈絆。我可不想被認為只會寫 UI ,因為我壓根就鄙視它。

日子一天天過下去,金融風暴牽一髮動全身,在大時代的見證下,公司內部人事調布蠢蠢欲動,周圍的 UI 夥伴們一個一個的調離,或 support,或 transfer。每每調動大抵上不會是好事,也再度驗證做 UI 的悲哀。

過了一陣子,公司調了一些人跟相關的 project 到我們 team ,老實說,那個時候真的很不爽,導因是接到了爛攤子,所以那一陣子情緒控制得很差,甚至還嗆了主管,其實事後想想都是我不對,只是我太容易情緒化,又不想掩飾自己的心情罷了。如果真要貼個標籤,我會寫上【囂張】跟【不可一世】。那一陣子看到 Jobs 的一句話,讓我紅了雙眼,也讓我更加確定未來要怎麼做選擇。他說: "Your work is going to fill a large part of of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet. Keep looking. Don't settle"



Evaluate Simon

A few weeks ago, we had a gossip during the dinner time. And it was that moment that I learned Simon had lower salary than new-hired. The story was I mentioned that someone posted a recruit article on the PTT in which it said the salary for new-hired was between 50k to 55k. Simon then responded the comment immediately, "I got less than these numbers".

Could you think a guy so hard work with a rank, Assistant Project Manager, having less money than the new-hired?

Even so, he had stayed here for almost 4 years. If I were he, I would leave. The best way to increase your salary is to find another company.

If you stayed quiet, you got nothing!


Have something to write....

I, a should-be-young man with contradiction for nearly everything, always think about myself. I'd complained for my job, for my current life, for my characteristics. How can a man love this world with so many complaining words?

I love the time after work, but when it comes to hand, I had nothing to do. I want a suitable rank to admit my work, but sometimes, I was afraid of getting big tasks. I had an invisible barrier laid before me, between the thing I desired and I hoped. I want the glory but I'm afraid to suffer the pain behind it.

I weep for those guys who struggle to succeed, but I'm afraid to be one of them. The contradiction hold me, not willing to let me move forward. It whispers some evil words in my head, making me weak. I cannot defeat it. I cannot help but surrender to it. I...

A life is a period of time that you need to decide to decorate it by yourself. People always say it is like a canvas, and you are a painter. It is you who make a sketch on it. It is you who decide which or who should appear on it. It is you who give the colors on it. It is you who stamps it when the work is finished. Simple to say, but hard to do. How could I take actions? I know I am so conservative, not an active person. How's a person like me having some movements?

A barrier, invisible, unmovable and unbreakable, lays in front for many a year. Still there, stood high and wide to look down at me.


Complain complain complain~

People need to have a way to release the feeling inside. And I am glad I have such place to have my feeling omitted out.

This world is unfair, of course. But only something happens on you makes you understand what 'unfair' means.

A seed had been planted when I had done the low-class job, as compared those guys who did something called 'kernel'. Almost everyone has the same foothold when they graduate from school. But when they go to work, they have different futures. And one of the fact is 'luck'.

The seed grows when I had learn that all the efforts were in vain with the promotion list revealed. I felt angry because those who entered this company later than me also had been promoted, even they worked on the same kind of things as I did. I felt frustrated because I got no proof about my ability. More than three years staying in this company proves naught. I worked hard in the previous years, staying late on night and taking the last train to home. I didn't know exactly what I had earned at that time. Damn you. The next job will prove the words from my Father -- the best way to increase income is to change a job.

Well, I didn't care about the salary increased by the promotion. All I care is a proof. That is all.

The world is so unfair, as I had known before. But now, I really understand what's the core inside.





是什麼東西在消磨自己呢? 忘了以前那種衝勁(如果有的話)?




ps. 看到自己面試時準備的影片還滿感動的


Test place for YouTube Player

This is a test blog... just a place to contain YouTube Player


Day after day

On the train I read
the novel being a long story
with Frodo carrying the ring
with Voldermort bound by Harry
Stark fell to ashes
while Lannister being cursed
Big Bill killed It
left nothing in memory

Mark the page and close it
Step out of the train and step into it
A day come, a day end
Flip my page and write few words
with nothing change the day before it